Sunday, September 30, 2012

MSA The Gate to the Beach

The Gate to the Beach is located in Plymouth, MA. The iron work is everywhere here and I LOVE it!

I can't help but wonder what the pilgrims would have thought if they had seen "The Gate to the Beach", or the sign to clean up after our dogs, or not swim at night....

Or the parking lot and parking meters....

Things change, places change, people change, pictures don't change
Get out there and capture a moment today. It may not be the same tomorrow.

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Friday, September 28, 2012

MSA Mineola, TX

My Metal Street Art entry today comes from downtown Mineola, TX. LOVE this water meter cover. In Mineola you take a pretty good step up from the roadway to the sidewalk. This cover is in the sidewalk and looks like it has been extended to meet the sidewalk level and then "patched" into the concrete OR maybe the road was lowered and new sidewalk poured around the meter cover and bricks that surrounded it. Either way...very cool... Mineola has great history

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Metal Deposits

This is on the outside wall of the building that currently houses The Mineola Chamber of Commerce, Mineola, TX. This beautiful historical building was obviously a bank at one time. I am so glad that the building owners have decided to keep this little treasure in place.

Look up, look down, look all around, metal treasures aren't always on the ground
Keep snappin'

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Marking your territory

This is in the sidewalk in Plymouth, MA. I can a only assume it is the contractor(s) that did the construction or poured the concrete. I love the patina it has taken on over the years of weather and traffic.

Putting a nameplate on your work, to me says pride, quality and longevity. I have spent a great deal of my life in the west in and around the construction business. Contracting firms used to place bronze name plates on large buildings. It seems like now no one bothers. Is there no pride in their work? Or maybe they know it will be torn down, or up, in a few years anyway to make way for new. That is one of the things I love about the New England area. They cherish, protect, and have an incredible pride in the past.
Look up, look down, look all around, what are you missing on the ground?

Keep snappin'
~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Drains to the Bay

Two weeks ago today I was in Plymouth, MA and I have to admit I am really missing the cool fall ocean breeze. It is just too warm and humid in Texas still!

This is my all time favorite utility cover. LOVE the color, LOVE the lobster, LOVE the sand on the sidewalk that surrounds it. **sigh** (again)

"Look up, look down, look all around, something interesting is on the ground"

Come on fall!

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Friday, September 21, 2012

More Metal in the Street

This little beauty was in the sidewalk in Plymouth, MA. It is a water shut off valve. When I point the camera down for these metal beauties, my first impulse is to clear the garbage... love the leaves, hate the cigarette butts. BUTT for some reason I left them and I love the results. You don't really see them at first glance do you? BUTT if you will look closely... Ok ok I will stop...
Same picture, different filter. See those butts now? They add to it don't you think?
The thing that intrigues me about metal utility covers is that we spend most of our life walking or driving over them, not even noticing they are there. BUTT (sorry couldn't resist) without knowing it, we rely on them daily.
You should see the looks I get when when I position myself over one of them and take a picture. I have seen people walk over after I have walked away and look down and still can't figure out what I was taking a picture of. The evil part of me enjoys seeing people perplexed. The reality is they are thinking to themselves "what was that crazy girl doing?". That's ok with me, at least I made them look at something besides the obvious. It's all about perception.

Keep snappin', up down and all around

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Metal Street Art Day 4 & 5

Good morning!
Yesterday was a little crazy and I didn't get my daily photo in.  SO today you get two days at once, lucky you *wink*
I thought I would take a break from the "manhole cover" metal and share a few other metal utilty matkers I found in Plymouth, MA          Day 4

I am not really sure what this is.  Some kind of alarm maybe??  Any thoughts?

Day 5

Not sure what I like the most about this, the blue and rust contrast or the texture of the surrounding concrete. 


Look up, look down, look all around....Interesting things lay on the

Keep snappin'
~~All of the photos on this blog
are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road
Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Metal Street Art Day 3 Pymouth

Day three of sharing my latest obsession with metal objects found in the streets.  AKA Metal Street Art.
Todays Entry is from Plymouth, MA   Electric Service and more bricks yay!  Are you starting to see a pattern here?  *wink*

Look up, look down, look all around....Interesting things lay on the ground
Keep snappin'

~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~

Monday, September 17, 2012

Street Art day 2

Metal Street Art is my latest photo a day Project. Day 2 gives us this very unique beauty from Boston, Beacon Hill, MA

Remember Mountain Bell? Ma Bell they called it. The government stepped in and decide they were too big, a monopoly, and broke them up. Hmmmm wonder what they would think of AT&T or Verizon?

Of course you know I love the "brick road" it is laid in to.
Great character!

What did you see today?
Posted by Jeanne from my iPad

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Boston Metal Street Art

My latest obsession is with what I call metal street art. Have you ever looked down at all of the utility covers in the street? They all have something to say, something individual about them. Very cool. I have decided as I travel I am going to collect digital metal street art. Unlike all those shot glass souvineers, you don't have to dust them and you can carry them anywhere!

Look through a camera lens, I promise you will see things differently. Light, depth, texture and personality are all different through a lens. It really makes you focus (pun intended) on the world in front of you.


- Posted by Jeanne from my iPad

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mimi gets new clothes

I am loving my new mobile photo studio aka Mimi! It is so convenient to have all of my photo equipment and props with me ALL of the time. My new mobile PHOTO BOOTH with all of its boa's, hats, funky flowers and tiaras fit inside perfectly!

Even though there was NOTHING boring about Mimi the red van, I do think she needed a little bling. Some new clothes, if you will.

Isn't she purdy? Thanks to Mark at SignMart in Mineola, you rock!

The thing I love the most about location photography is all of the new beautiful places I get to explore and the incredible natural light. Now I get to explore those places from a pretty shiny red van AND yay now I get to take all of my stuff with me! I know I mentioned this already, but I am pretty darned excited.

I just got back from a trip to the Boston area. It was fabulous! The trip started with a crushed camera lens (thank you AAirlines) but ended with a new lens and some great photos. I will start posting soon.

Capture a memory

- Posted by Jeanne from my iPad

Friday, September 7, 2012

Frog reflections

Tree frogs are the most amazing little creatures. I had never come in contact with or even seen one until moving to East Texas.
After moving to the new property, we lived through the frog invasion and then the toad take over....FYI they may have been connected. Now we are getting to see the tree frogs. Yay!
This little guy was on the BBQ grill the other day.

We sat him on a mirror to try to get a picture of his underside and his amazing feet. He didn't seem to mind that we were interested in him, in fact I think he started to pose! Great personality!

Here he's sitting politely.
We never could get him to spread his toes, so we tried a different angle

Showing his good side!
Cool toes huh? Like little suction cups with big sticking power!

Preparing to leap! Immediately after I took this, he jumped on to my camera lens. Look closely, he is smiling, just waiting for the opportunity to startle me.
His color changed to the most amazing hues of bright green as the outside lighting conditions changed. SO many shades of brilliant green and wow can he sing!
He is still hanging out near the BBQ so I guess he has decided our back yard is home. The reality is we have put our back yard into his home. So glad he is willing to share.

Capture every moment

Posted by Brick Road Photo, Jeanne May