Thursday, December 5, 2013

"U" is for.........

"U" is for U.S. Government
Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

December 1, 2013
"U" is for U.S. Government.   We stayed in Roswell, NM last night and I just KNEW I would see a UFO and have the perfect U. Unfortunately (fortunately) that did not happen. ;-)
This "U" was taken near Magdelana, NM at The Very Large Array, one of the world's premier astronomical radio observatories, it consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration on the Plains of San Agustin fifty miles west of Socorro, New Mexico. Each antenna is 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter. The data from the antennas is combined electronically to give the resolution of an antenna 36km (22 miles) across, with the sensitivity of a dish 130 meters (422 feet) in diameter.
Processed with Photo Toaster on my iPad

Have an Unbelievable Sunday

"T" is for ..........

"T" is for Tin Turkey
Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

November 23, 2103
"T" is for Tin Turkey! Seemed like a Terrific way to start Thanksgiving week.
Have a Terrific Day

"S is for ....

"S" is for Slinky!
The Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

November 17, 2013
"S" is for Slinky! My favorite toy, this one sits on my desk as a reminder to not take life so Seriously. What could be better than a Silver Shiny Slinky??

 "What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs
and makes a slinkity sound?
A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing!
Everyone knows it's Slinky.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky,
It's fun, it's a wonderful toy.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun,
It's a wonderful toy.
It's fun for a girl or a boy"

Bet you hum that all day... :D

Have a Super Sunday

"R" is for ......

"R" is for Riker the Red tri
Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

November, 10, 2013
"R" is for Riker our beautiful Red tri Miniature Australian Shepherd. He was named after commander Riker, (Number 1) on Star Trek, TNG.
Riker's sister Annie got the "A" post for the alphabet challenge and he has been patiently waiting his turn. He is such an amazing fur baby, incredibly loyal and wicked smart. My husband and I are very grateful Riker lets us live in his house *wink*

Have a Red letter day

"Q" is for ....

"Q" is for Quack

November 3, 2013
"Q" is for Quack!

Meet George. He is the Pekin duck that lives and QUACKS at our pond. He and his mate, Gracie, are fairly new additions to our little piece of Texas.
They are fascinating to watch and listen to and have great personalities. When I speak to George he turns his head and listens (processes), very much like our dog does. He really QUACKS me up! (sorry couldn't resist that)

Have a Quirky day

"P" is for ......

"P" is for Pink Pistol

The Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

October 27, 2013
"P" is for Pink Pistol! Only in Texas is it "normal" to name a boutique Pink Pistol. The Pink Pistol boutique and Red 55 Winery are located in Lindale, TX about 20 miles from our home. Lindale is the home of country music star Miranda Lambert. Miranda is also part of a country western group called The Pistol Annie's, hence the name.

The store is full of t-shirts and tourist stuff, and memorabilia from Miranda's music career. The grand opening was held last weekend complete with a visit from Miranda, tons of bling and a whole lot of PINK (what else). People came from across the country and stood in line for hours to see the store (we did not). It was a lot of excitement for a town who's populations is less than 7000. 

Have a Perfect day

"O" is for......

"O" is for Orange things in October
Part of the Daily Photo Community Alphabet Challenge

October 20, 2013
"O" is for Orange things in October!
Another shot from the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.  What an amazing place to send a fall day.
Have a happy day

"N" is for

"N" is for Notice

Photo A Day Community Alphabet Challenge

October 13, 2013
"N" is for NOTICE and a very important one at that!
Taken with my iPhone, processed through Snapseed.

Have  Nifty day

"M" is for....

"M" is for Millionaire Pumpkins

Photo A Day Community Alphabet Challenge

October 6, 2013
"M" is for Millionaire pumpkins. We spent our morning at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. It drizzled rain the entire time we were there but we persevered. An amazing amount of pumpkins decorated the grounds. I loved the colors and variations of the millionaire pumpkins.
What a great place to visit!

Have a Marvelous Day