Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Lily

The Lily is such a graceful flower.

Have I mentioned how much I love flowers??

No matter what color they are

Keep snapping
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Friday, June 29, 2012

Butterfly Garden

"Butterfly Garden" is one of my favorite statues in The Children's Park in Tyler, TX.

A very special place.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Morning Glory

The Morning Glory Vine at the Children's Park in Tyler, TX.

This Morning Glory vine has taken over and old tree stump and everything else around it. The flowers were just opening when I arrived at the park.
Beautiful way to start a day
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


One of my favorite colors....yellow!

This is a dwarf mandavilla blossom. I love the way each little petal is woven into the other. At night they fold up and go to sleep. Beautiful!

Enjoy your day and stay cool!
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Monday, June 25, 2012

Mighty Oak

The Mighty Oak under a beautiful blue Texas sky

God's beauty surrounds us every day, we just need to open our hearts and our eyes to see and appreciate it.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012


My Bougainvillea are in full bloom! They love the heat. There are over 75 varieties and colors of Bougainvillea. This is called a Barbara-Karst. My favorite red variety. It reminds me of a close friend that is no longer with us.

I miss you Barbara, you left this earth too soon

Have an amazing week y'all and
Keep snappin'

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Route 66

My photo of the day was taken some time in the early 1940's. It is one of my favorite photos of my Grandfather, (my dads dad). I found this photo about 5 years ago when we were moving. I'm not sure where I got it or how it ended up in that box I was unpacking, but it was there. Maybe a little "gift" from my Grandmother. *wink*

The caption under the photo, in my Grandmothers handwriting, said "Our Filling Station" Stroud, Okla Marshall E Johnson (my grandfathers name). What a treasure.

This is their "filling station" in Stroud Oklahoma

That is my Grandfather dressed in white, complete with bow tie and cap, ready to fill'er up with Ethyl for .15. Ethyl...I love that. I remember my dad pulling into a station saying "fill'er up with Ethyl" I also remember him grumbling because it was up to .49 a gallon, that was in the early 70's What would he think now?

The large sign says "You Can Pay More but You Can't Buy Better". In the lower left of the picture is a triangle sign that says "spuds .29 a pack". At first I thought this was advertising potatoes, but potatoes were a lot less than .29 in the 1940's. After a little research I discovered it was advertising cigarettes. I found the label and this advertising page on line.

Fastidious People....My how times have changed

It wasn't until I started researching Stroud and the cigarette label that I found out this filling station was on Historic Route 66! I LOVE the nostalgia that goes with Route 66. Imagine my excitement to find out that my family was actually a part of that!!!

Shaun and I took a trip down Route 66 to Stroud, Oklahoma. The building is not there anymore. However, one of the older townsmen recognized it, and treated us to some wonderful reminiscing. We left a copy of this picture with the Stroud Historical Society. I am happy to say it hangs in the Chamber of Commerce office in Stroud.
I urge you to take a trip down memory lane soon, and remember to never forget where you came from....ever.

AND If you ever get a chance, be sure to....
Get your kicks on Route 66

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Friday, June 22, 2012

A rose of a different color

I love flowers and I love playing with the new filters on my camera. I love these pink roses outside my door. Every time they bloom the petals seem to darken. Beautiful!

This is what happens with a green filter on the camera

And ruby....

And of course the one that matches my mood today... A little dark

Some days are vibrant and pink, some cool and calming and some are just plain old black and white days. The trick is seeing the beauty in all of them.

Keep Snappin'

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


What could be more fun than little boys and bubbles?!?!

Keep snappin'
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Taking the plunge

Nothing is better on a hot summer day than a dip in the water.

Especially when it's your fourth birthday, and you have a water slide at your birthday party. Happy Birthday J!

Keep snappin'
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Jesse's toad

Jesse had fun playing with the hundreds of toads and frogs around our house.

I love this photo of his little hands. He was pretty gentle with them and had a couple of the bigger ones he checked on every day.

Summer fun

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

The guys

My photo of the day is actually photoS of the day
I decided it was time for family pictures while we were all together this last week. The big guys weren't as thrilled as I was to "capture the moment".

Here is Jesse, Shaun's nephew, entertaining the big guys so they will lighten up a little bit and have their picture taken. He is such a cutie!

He is now entertaining me and his mom. Told you he was cute..

Not sure what this conversation was about but I LOVE the result

AND my all time favorite....What a handsome bunch of guys

We had a great time while celebrating Shaun's dads 70th birthday.

Sure love these guys
Thanks for your help Jesse *wink*

(Aunt) Jeanne

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yesterday we stopped at a campsite on Lake Holbrook to play in the water with Shaun's nephew Jesse. There were several names written on the picnic table. This was off by itself and caught my eye...

What is yours???
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Sunday, June 10, 2012


We are having a great time with the family. Shaun's nephew Jesse LOVES to fish.

Love this kid

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Sunday, June 3, 2012


I love baseball! I have ever since my Grandpa Johnson took us to a Houston Astros game one summer when I was 12. I used to love to go to the Dodgers games in LA and do love the Texas Rangers, BUT little league is still my favorite to watch.

Shaun and I were both involved in little league for 4 years. It made for some great memories. We ate, drank and slept baseball when we lived in California. The boys started playing in February and usually didn't finish until October. It was exhausting but incredible.
Last week we were invited to a t-ball game. You know I can't pass that up, and of course the camera had to go with us. I really need more experience with sports photos and what a great place to practice.

I thought I would share with you what determination looks like.

Good job J! Way to keep your eyes on the ball!

Run J run! Yay he scored!

J is very good at sliding

In case you aren't familiar with 5 year olds and baseball, there is an unwritten rule (that only they know) that they all HAVE to slide at any and all opportunities. *wink*
They are all so cute and SO very serious.

J is a very determined, very sweet, very well mannered boy. He always greets us when we get there and then thanks us for coming, what a nice boy. He has great parents and role models in his life. Refreshing
We loved getting to be a part of his baseball games. Thanks Sam for thinking of us.

Summer and baseball....what could be better!

Love and miss y'all
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My photo of the day was taken by Sam T (thanks Sam) of her daughter J. We were at her brothers baseball game. J was very curious about my camera, and wanted to know if she could "see her brother through there". Here we are trying. Since there is no image on the view screen on the back of my camera until after you have taken the picture, it was quite a challenge to figure out what she was seeing through that teeny tiny view finder. As soon as she said she saw her brother we snapped the picture and she was thrilled! Clapping followed. When we looked at the image through the view screen, it was of the power poles, and she was still thrilled! Such a sweetie.

She is such a doll. I hope to get to do some fun pictures with J and her brother J soon. They are the sweetest family.
Thanks again Sam

Keep snapping
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