Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's still hot

It is still WAY too hot out! I know, I know, I can't complain, after all it IS almost August, and we DO live in Texas. However, it was 104 degrees today with a heat index of 107. For my Colorado/Utah family and friends, heat index is like the hot version of windchill. Only instead of the wind making it colder, the humidity makes it hotter. They also call it "real feel" REALLY? Trust me it "really felt" a whole lot warmer than than it should have!

Anyway... We enjoyed a little pool time today. I know Shaun doesn't look happy but trust me he is right where he wants to be, he just hates the camera.

Keep cool and have a great week
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baby it's hot outside!

My photo of the day was taken indoors it is not pretty...or cool.....**wink** (sometimes I crack me up) it is our temperature reading at 3:05 this afternoon. 107.4 degrees does not factor in the humidity, and according to Weatherbug our heat index was 112. Ugh is all I can say
A few things are keeping me from saying other things.............
This heat usually doesn't last for very long in NE Texas AND fall is stunning!
See the line above the temp? 73 degrees inside is perfect, love my a/c AND
My mom always said "if you can't say something nice......"

I hope wherever you are, you are as cool or as warm as you want to be.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Windmills and beautiful blue skies. Simple times

And a little photo magic

Look up and keep snapping'
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Silver lining

This was taken just before sunset this evening. Our own silver lining.
I have never seen the rays darker than the sky and am not sure what caused that, but I love it

Five minutes later

Have an amazing week
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The New Hope sky

We just had an amazing storm. In just a little over an hour we got 1 3/4" of rain. It was incredible.

Just before sunset the sky was beautiful

Looking forward to more rain tonight.
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Location:New Hope, Texas

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reading a story

This is a friends little boy. He is 5 and is "reading" a bible story to his new baby sister.

He is such a sweet boy and a good brother

Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Children are a gift

The Children's Park has several statues. This one touches my heart and is a good reminder to all.

The reverse angle

Aside from the care of the The Childrens Park, The Children Are a Gift Foundation in Tyler, TX devotes their energies into "forever homes" for displaced and challenged children.

Have a beautiful Sunday and remember to be thankful for all that God has given you.

- Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad