Monday, April 30, 2012

Mimosa blooms

Our Mimosa tree has bloomed! This is one of my favorite trees, and one I had never seen until we moved to Texas. The leaves look similar to a fern and at night they curl up. It is also called a silk tree.

Enjoy your week
Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad


  1. Your photography is amazing, just beautiful. I noticed this flower it is grown around Australia and is very popular. Thank you for sharing. Got a lot more looking to do and another blog, that I am guessing is not something simple but is as beautiful as this one. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words. I love sharing my world through the camera lens. The Mimosa tree is one of my favorite bloomers, so very graceful.
      I enjoyed your blog and artwork very much. Walking away from a piece and then adding bits and pieces as you walk by intrigues me. Magnetic Island Island is stunning!
      Thank you for visiting my blog.


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