Monday, September 16, 2013

100 Mile Capture Oklahoma and home

100 Mile capture visits Oklahoma and heads home

Remember where we started?
We have seen A LOT of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado....7 states, 14 days,  3485.4 miles and  65 hours 15 minutes in the car!  We have enjoyed tons of family and beautiful scenery, and more than a few quirky things a long the way.  Hope you enjoy our road trip 100 miles at a time.   Want to see how it all started?  click here 100 Mile Capture

It's day 14 and we are MORE than ready to get home!  It is always SO exciting to go on vacation but equally exciting to get home.  Isn't it amazing how we think we need to "get away" and once we are there all we can think about is "get back".  Human nature I suppose.   Quoting my favorite movie "There's no place like home....there's no place like home"

Mile 3100 Wellington Oklahoma
We saw a lot a bridges in Oklahoma with numbers on them.  So I Googled it! Honestly, I Googled my way across 7 states.  Lets face it Oklahoma isn't super exciting so I needed to give you a little more than" here is a bridge in Wellington, OK"   SO from the ODOT website
OH! and just a little FYI ~~ Bridges and overpasses are NOT a safe place to be in a tornado
NOTE Oklahoma bridges are identified at places in the text by a series of numbers and letters. ODOT assigns these codes based on map coordinates which locate the bridges on the road system. The first two digits identify the county. For example, the number "20" denotes Custer County. Since the structure numbers are geographical points, they can change as roads are remeasured, and a relocated bridge would likewise acquire a new number at a different site. Because the numbers are unwieldy and subject to revision, they have been used sparingly in the text.  

Mile 3200 ~ Oklahoma City and stuck on the freeway
We have been really fortunate this trip to not encounter a lot of traffic.  Lunch time in Oklahoma City was the exception. This is a windshield shot.  Thought you might like this better than the guy stuck next to us doing some "personal grooming".  This was really all I wanted to see of his truck.  "DO NOT BUMP"......or groom.  ick! {{shudder}
We sat in traffic so long I was able to load this into my ipad and add some nifty little touches to it.  I love the canvas look and this had SO much sky it worked perfectly! 

Good bye Oklahoma City and Hallelujah! traffic is moving again!  I love seeing this sign, it means Texas and home isn't that far away!

Mile 3300 is a rest area somewhere near Davis, Oklahoma.
We never stop at official rest areas, especially isolated ones, for some reason they creep me out.  BUT since we were at the 100 mile mark and since I got by with a windshield shot the last time we just HAD to stop.  I am so glad we did.  Who would have guessed that Oklahoma was where the Reflection Seismic technique was born....huh go figure,  O.K. to be honest I had never heard of it until that day in Oklahoma.
"This geophysical method records reflected seismic waves as they travel through the earth helping to find oil bearing formations. It has been responsible for the discovery of many of the world’s largest oil and gas fields, containing billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas. Pioneering research and development was led by J.C. Karcher, an Oklahoma Physicist. The Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma were selected for a pilot survey of the technique and equipment, because an entire geologic section".

The view from the rest area showing some of the Arbuckle Mountains

 There is oil in them there rocks!
Well HELLO Texas...we have missed you
Mile 3400 ~ Bells, Texas
Bells Texas has a population of app. 1300 people.  Small town USA, baseball and concerts in the park. See the little sign down to the left? It says Hope Concerts. 
No small town in Texas is complete without an antique store named "Somewhere in Time"   Go ahead Google it .....there are hundreds of them all over the state.
3485.4 miles and 65 hours 15 minutes in the car that covered 7 states in 14 days! It was a great trip full of adventures, family, hellos and goodbyes shared with tears and laughter. Thank you for coming along. 
Dorothy really did say it best...There is no place like home
Keep snappin'

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