Today we went to The Helen Lee Daffodil Gardens in Gladewater, TX.
Miss Jeanne, Miss Jessica and I had the most amazing day!
The flowers were amazing! The daffodils are on 28 acres of beautiful land, covered in amazing golden flowers. Where did all these flowers come from???
Well, a long time ago Mrs. Lee purchased an entire train car load of daffodil bulbs from Holland and some workers planted them. This is Mrs Johnson and Mr Dennis. Mrs. Johnson's grandparents, Mamie and Nathaniel Scott, worked for Mrs. Lee and helped plant these beautiful flowers. Mrs. Johnson is now the manager of Mrs. Lee's Daffodil Gardens and keeps all the visitors happy everyday. Mr Dennis works very hard to take care of all of the trees and the roads and the flowers! He is very busy!
I am very honored to have my picture taken with them. They work so hard to keep this beautiful garden maintained and open for people to enjoy every spring. Thank you Mrs. Johnson and Mr Dennis!
Daffodils smell so wonderful!
Make sure you stop and smell a flower today....
it will make you smile.
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and
it felt so good!
We saw a lake there named Lake Josephine. Mrs Lee named the lake after her mom and she used to go there to enjoy the flowers and nature. It is beautiful!
While we were there, we got to see some people get married! We watched from far away because we didn't want to be rude and interrupt their special day. Miss Jeanne says we always need to show respect for other people and use our manners. I think Miss Josephine and Mrs Lee would have enjoyed seeing people be happy at their lake and gardens.
Here is a picture of me and Miss Jessica. We had such a good time I smiled ALL day long!
Aren't the daffodils beautiful!!
If you would like to know more about the daffodil gardens, here is a link to their website.
Thank you for letting me share my daffodil adventure with you
Keep Smiling!
~~All of the photos on this blog are protected by copyright and are the property of Jeanne May and Brick Road Photo. Thank you for not reproducing them without permission.~~
Location:The Daffodil Gardens